Focus and Scope

13 Items

As an international journal, multidisciplinary in the field of health sciences, peer-referenced, the scope of this journal is in the field of research. The journal welcomes genuine empirical investigations. Papers may represent different theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches. They can refer to all age levels, from infants to adults and to the diversity of learning and learning, from laboratory experiments to field studies. The main criteria in the review and selection process are the importance of contributions to the field of teaching and learning.

  1. Medical
  2. Nursing
  3. Nutrition
  4. Midwifery
  5. Public Health
  6. Medical Records & Health Information
  7. Pharmacy
  8. Medical Analysis
  9. Physiotherapy
  10. Environmental Health
  11. Occupational Health And Safety
  12. Biotechnology
  13. Radiology

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