Editorial Process
At Educative: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan, we adhere to a rigorous and high-standard editorial process to ensure that published articles are of exceptional academic quality and contribute meaningfully to the field of education. Our editorial process includes the following steps:
Manuscript Submission: Authors submit their manuscripts via our integrated OJS platform. Each manuscript must comply with the journal's guidelines, including format, structure, and ethical standards.
Initial Screening by the Editor-in-Chief: The Editor-in-Chief reviews Submitted manuscripts to ensure alignment with the journal's scope, topic relevance, and adherence to submission guidelines and publication ethics. Manuscripts that do not meet the basic requirements will be returned to authors for preliminary revision or declined.
Single-Blind Peer Review Process: Manuscripts that pass the initial screening proceed to a single-blind peer review process, where the reviewers are aware of the authors' identities, but the authors do not know the reviewers. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two subject-matter experts chosen for their specific expertise.
Reviewer Feedback and Revisions: Based on the reviewers' feedback, editors provide the authors with recommendations for further improvement. This revision process may involve multiple rounds until the expected quality standards are met. Reviewer comments focus on the validity of the methodology, data analysis, clarity of discussion, and scientific contribution of the article.
Editorial Decision: After the recommended revisions have been completed, the Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editor will review the final manuscript and make a decision: accepted, accepted with additional revisions, or rejected.
Editing and Publication Process: Accepted manuscripts undergo final editing to ensure language quality, writing style, and layout consistency with journal standards. The prepared article will be published in the upcoming issue with a unique DOI and comprehensive metadata, making it accessible and citable within the academic community.
Commitment to Publication Ethics: We uphold the highest standards of publication ethics, following guidelines from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). We are committed to maintaining scientific integrity and do not tolerate plagiarism, data fabrication, or manipulation.
This editorial process is designed to maintain the quality and credibility of our journal while supporting valuable research contributions in the field of education. We value collaboration with reviewers, editors, and authors to achieve high-quality, reputable academic publications.