The Analysis of Early Childhood Learning Achievement Based on the Implementation of the ABCD5E Model in the Merdeka Curriculum


  • Sri Wiji Handayani Early Childhood Education Program, UNNES Labschool Kindergarten, Indonesia
  • Yuli Utanto Education Technology Curriculum, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Nur Azam Bin Ghazali Universiti Teknokogi Malaysia, Malaysia



Learning Achievement, ABCD5E Learning Model, , the Merdeka Curriculum Implementation


The presence of the Merdeka curriculum in Indonesia has given reaction to community educators, namely the implementers of ABCD5E learning model to be actively adapted. The basic thing as the students’ main competency achievement in Merdeka curriculum implementation is stated as learning achievement. This writing aims to analyze how to achieve learning achievement in Early Childhood Education using the ABCD5E learning model in the Merdeka Curriculum Implementation. The research method used was a literature review study. The data used in this analysis is primary data sourced from research results in both national and international journals, the results of thesis research, and observations on the learning documents using ABCD5E model. The research results showed that there were learning achievements through implementing ABCD5E learning model in the Merdeka curriculum. The conclusion from the research is the learning achievement in the Merdeka curriculum implementation can be achieved through implementing ABCD5E learning model.


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How to Cite

Handayani, S. W., Utanto, Y., & Ghazali, M. N. A. B. (2023). The Analysis of Early Childhood Learning Achievement Based on the Implementation of the ABCD5E Model in the Merdeka Curriculum. Educative: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan, 1(3), 135–142.

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